Ashgard Campaign Shipset Installation Instructions


Please follow these instructions closely to ensure a smooth installation and to get you in the game as quickly as possible. The instructions are in a step-by-step format and please follow them in order for best results. Also, please read the readme files in the ZIP and XMOD files carefully. If you have any questions or concerns about the shipset or its installation, please read the FAQ. before E-mailing me. After reading these instructions, you can proceed to the download page by following the link at the bottom of this page.


  1. Step 1:


For best results, it is highly recommended that you start with a fresh install of XWA. This will avoid any potential conflicts this shipset may have with customizations you have already made. Also, this provides an opportunity for you to save and still use your existing customized XWA while also having the Ashgard Campaign.


    1. If you have a version of XWA installed that you want to keep, rename your XwingAlliance folder to a name of your choice, just as long as the name changes. This will cause the XWA launcher to think the game is uninstalled because it won�t be able to find the XWA folder under the old name.


    1. Install XWA to the default directory and apply the patch to upgrade XWA to 2.02. This is very important because if the XWA version is not 2.02, you will have problems installing the shipset.


    1. If you renamed your customized XWA folder, it will not be harmed by reinstallation of XWA or installation of this patch. You can choose whatever version of XWA you wish to play by renaming folders; whatever folder is named �XwingAlliance� is the one that will be used the next time you launch XWA.


  1. Step 2:


This is the step where you will install the XWAUP craft. Some are mandatory and some are optional as described below. The XWAUP OPTs are not provided in this shipset, so you will have to get them youself from the X-wing Alliance Upgrade. Don�t worry about the TIE Advancedx1 because it is included in the shipset. When installing XWAUP craft, all you need to do is copy the OPTs to the FLIGHTMODELS folder because the patch sets all of the stats for you and the SHIPLIST and SPACECRAFT0 list is provided for you.


    1. Install all XWAUP Rebel Starfighters. This is mandatory because the patch in this shipset will have the POVs set to work with XWAUP craft. If you use TG craft, the POVs will be off and the campaign won�t be much fun.


    1. Install any other XWAUP craft that you wish. This step is optional but I assume for most of you, installation of all XWAUP craft will be desirable.


  1. Step 3:


In this step, you will install the text and list files for the Ashgard Campaign.


    1. Download the TXT& file and unzip it.


    1. Copy the SHIPLIST.TXT and STRINGS.TXT files to the XwingAlliance folder and click �yes to all� when prompted to overwrite.


    1. Copy the Mission.LST file to the MISSIONS folder and click �yes� when prompted to overwrite.


    1. Copy the SPACECRAFT0.LST file to the FLIGHTMODELS folder and click �yes� when prompted to overwrite.


  1. Step 4:


In this step, you will install all of the XMOD files to complete installation.


    1. Download all of the XMOD files and install them using the X-wing Install System (XIS) from Defiant�s Flying Temple.


    1. Launch XWA and play until you are grounded by your parents, get dumped by your girlfriend, get divorced, lose your job, go bankrupt or get carpal tunnel. ;-)